Problem SetYour Results

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Instructions & Expectations

For this competition, or more like a challenge, your goal is to get an AA or AB grade for a wrong solution for or at least 1 problem. Yes, the idea is to deceive the model :) You are welcome to actually solve the problems as well, it is just they are quite easy... Well, with the exception of P2.

As for the meaning of the grades: the "Overall Grade" consists of two grades: the first one is for technical correctness, while the second one is for the quality & clarity of explanations. The first grade is clear, and in order to excel with the 2nd grade you need to make sure to submit a coherent stream of organised claims with their proofs, it almost always helps to split the solution into parts. An example of an AA solution is below:

**Answer**: Ana (the first player) has a winning strategy.  
1) Winning Strategy: On her first move, Ana takes 2 stones. After that, no matter how many stones Bob takes, she always takes the remainder needed to make a total of 4 per round. That is:  
- If Bob takes 1, Ana takes 3.  
- If Bob takes 2, Ana takes 2.  
- If Bob takes 3, Ana takes 1.  
She sticks to this strategy until the game ends.  
2) Why This Strategy Works: After Ana's first move, 16 stones remain. From then on, every Bob-Ana pair of moves always removes exactly 4 stones. Since 16 is a multiple of 4, after 4 such pairs, all stones will be gone, and Ana, making the last move, will take the final stones and win the game.