We will go into discrete probability and talk about the following things:
- Basic probability models;
- Counting combinatorics (with some interesting problems);
- Random variables (starting from "what they are");
- Mathematical expectation and its use for proving non-probabilistic facts;
- Cool problems (in particular from job interviews) that rely on the knowledge of the above;
- Even more applications of maths expactation: but from the real-world.
This course is for those who already know some basic formulas from probability (i.e when there are a lot of equally likely events) and are ready to do more interesting stuff. You don't have to have a PS-1 course covered, in fact: you can do two at the same time. But you do need the content from the PS-2 course. This course is something that olympiad-people would enjoy. Or whoever like extra-curricular mathematics or wants to master the important basic concepts like "mathematical expectation" for the exams or internship interviews.
Next group lessons:
Study together with a small group under a supervision of a top University student or a graduate. You can ask questions or check your solutions to the exercises throughout the duration of the course.
The price is heavily discounted already (almost "just covers the e-services" we need), but there is a special 100% off for the IMO participants. If you want to claim this discount, simply email us at, we will give you the code.